About us

Infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market

About Us

We provide technological, project, and consulting services, expertly tailoring solutions that help digitize business processes via distributed ledger and blockchain technologies.
Our team counts some of the most experienced professionals in IT development. Our wealth of experience and unsurpassed expertise allow us to bring together cutting-edge technologies and a wide range of industries.

Working in-sync with the client, we jointly create new technology values for their business. We walk step-by-step through the entire process, from assessing the feasibility of incorporating blockchain technology and DLT to developing a prototype to testing and adjusting the implementation strategy to carrying out the project.

We are always looking for new talents in blockchain and software development. Want to join the constantly growing QBT team? Just send us your CV!

We create a new digital environment for institutions and entire industries. We devise tokenomics of individual projects and create infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market.

Contact us

We create a new digital environment for institutions and entire industries. We devise tokenomics of individual projects and create infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market.

+7 (495) 009-00-09

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