
We create a new digital environment for institutions and entire industries. We devise tokenomics of individual projects and create infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market.

Business digitization and blockchain strategy development

IoT and blockchain solutions for an energy company.

We developed a blockchain solution to optimize business processes of a leading gas and oil company. Commercial conditions are stored within a smart contract.

IoT and blockchain solutions for an energy company.


A national network for exchanging and storing financial data via blockchain technology



A QDP (QIWI Distributed Processing) platform for industry customers



Audit of the Delegated Proof-of-Importance protocol to evaluate information security risks



SKYFсhain, a blockchain-based platform for unmanned cargo transport

Education products

QIWI Blockchain Technologies conducts corporate training for middle and top executives. Course listeners get a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology, its principles and applicability.

Social Projects


Automated system for volunteering activities based on the Masterchain platform

Contact us

We create a new digital environment for institutions and entire industries. We devise tokenomics of individual projects and create infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market.

+7 (495) 009-00-09

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