


The Lepta project was tasked to create an automated system (AS) for volunteering based on the Masterchain platform and use of tokens. Due to an increase in its transparency, the system should also multiply volunteering activities.

QBT Tasks

  • Craft the concept of life cycle tokens and system architecture
  • Develop and implement the Masterchain-based AS
  • Develop system interface components: administrator and agent web applications, and mobile volunteer applications for Android and iOS
  • Develop and approve documentation
  • Teach the customer’s personnel the architecture and internal logic of the AS for its subsequent support on the customer's side


All tasks were completed on time. The AS provides emission, circulation, and burning of MVP tokens “Lepton,” partial automation of making and executing transactions between network participants via smart contracts, as well as functioning of the crowdfunding platform. Applications are available for download in App Store and PlayMarket. The code and configuration of the development environment were posted on GitHub

Contact us

We create a new digital environment for institutions and entire industries. We devise tokenomics of individual projects and create infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market.

+7 (495) 009-00-09

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