


Our experts jointly with Center Korzhenevskogo developed a new platform for distributed processing. The QDP (QIWI Distributed Processing) platform uses open-source software and is based on distributed ledger technology (blockchain), which greatly enhances its safety and lowers maintenance costs. Dmitri Apollonov and Petr Kalambet oversaw the project on our part. Yuri Korzenevski was Project Leader.

The platform has already been tested and is ready to be commercialized. QDP will serve as a core of blockchain startups at the interface of real financial institutes and new dynamic business models.

Scope of Use

The distributed payment-processing system allows to keep track of game data and virtual currencies, bookmaker rates and bank transfers, carry out transfers with deductible fees, and recognize clearing payments within branches and between financial institutions. In its essence, QDP is a perfectly functioning private blockchain offering the possibility to share digital assets within large ecosystems.


The unique feature of the system is a hybrid combination of classical processing and a chain of transactions, which eliminates the problem of data loss and failure to process a transaction due to an outdated last transaction from the sender's account. Blockchain technology will also boost both the speed of transactions and their efficiency: In the DLT system, copies of the registry are stored simultaneously by many users, significantly reducing failure risks.

A flexible and open architecture of the platform gives it a competitive edge in dynamic financial systems. Non-tied to the Russian market, the platform may claim its share in the global market for services.

Contact us

We create a new digital environment for institutions and entire industries. We devise tokenomics of individual projects and create infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market.

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