


A fundamental weakness of the cargo market today is a huge amount of manual labor. This directly affects the cost of services. To break the deadlock and significantly reduce the cost of maintenance, the market needs unmanned cargo logistics.


SKYFchain is an operation platform for unmanned cargo transport. Based on smart contracts, this is the first B2R (Business-to-Robots) platform in the world that aggregates information about all the events occurring with cargo robots throughout their life cycle, from release and periodic maintenance to details and routes of specific flight tasks.

QBT developed a blockchain architecture for the platform. Not only the technology reduces transaction costs and increases the transparency of logistics schemes and calculations, but it also increases the speed and quality of cargo delivery, simplifying the interaction of operators and customers.

Key platform elements

  • Private blockchain
  • Ethereum payment gateways
  • Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens

SKYF drones’ technical specifications

  • Useful load of up to 400 kg
  • Flying range of up to 350 km (with useful load of 50 kg)
  • Flight duration of up to 8 hours (with useful load of 50 kg)


A fundamental innovation of the platform is the efficiency and transparency of asset control, including for leasing, collateral, and any other operations in both traditional and cryptocurrencies. This enables automatic monitoring of the quality of service and park loading, production licenses, insurance premiums, number of departures and incidents and other indicators, which makes funding rates more efficient.

The main competitive advantage of SKYFchain over software projects is the proven interest of large customers in the platform implementation and access to information about real business processes in such companies.

Contact us

We create a new digital environment for institutions and entire industries. We devise tokenomics of individual projects and create infrastructure and product solutions in the global technology market.

+7 (495) 009-00-09

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